What does downhole operation include ?


What does downhole operation include ?

Handling of drill stuck accidents

There are many reasons for drill sticking, so there are many types of drill sticking. The common ones are sand sticking, wax sticking, falling object sticking, casing deformation sticking, cement solidification sticking, etc.


1. Sand card treatment

For wells where the stuck pipe is not long or the sand stuck is not serious, the downhole pipe string can be lifted up and lowered to loosen the sand and relieve the pipe stuck accident.

For the treatment of wells with serious sand jams, one is to slowly increase the load to a certain value during lifting, and then immediately lower and quickly unload; Suspended for a period of time under the condition of extension, so that the pulling force is gradually transmitted to the lower pipe string. Both forms may work, but each activity should be stopped for 5 to 10 minutes to prevent the string from being fatigued and disconnected.

To deal with sand jams, methods such as lame pressure and reverse circulation, pipe flushing, vigorous lifting, jacking, and reverse sleeve milling can also be used to deal with sand jams.

2. Dropped object stuck drill treatment

Falling object sticking means that the downhole tools are stuck by the jaws, slips, small tools, etc. falling into the well, resulting in drill sticking.

When dealing with falling objects stuck in the drill, do not lift it up vigorously to prevent it from getting stuck and complicate the accident. There are two general treatment methods: if the stuck pipe string can be rotated, the slow rotation pipe string can be gently lifted. Squeeze the falling objects to release the jamming of the downhole pipe string; if the above method is ineffective, you can use the wall hook to straighten the top of the fish, and then remove the falling objects.

3. Release casing stuck

Due to production stimulation measures or other reasons, the casing is deformed, damaged, etc., and the downhole tool is mistakenly lowered through the damaged part, resulting in pipe sticking. When processing, remove the pipe string above the stuck point, and the stuck can only be released after the casing is repaired.

Post time: Aug-30-2023